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Apple Compelled to Abandon Lightning Charger in Upcoming iPhone Model


Apple Inc. is set to abandon its iconic Lightning charger in the upcoming iPhone model, a decision spurred by mounting global pressure and regulatory scrutiny. This unprecedented shift marks a significant departure from Apple's long-standing proprietary connector strategy and promises to impact millions of Apple device users worldwide.

Sources within Apple, who spoke on condition of anonymity due to the sensitivity of the issue, revealed that the Cupertino-based tech giant had been under increasing pressure from governments and environmental activists to standardize charging across devices, in an effort to reduce electronic waste and increase interoperability between brands.

The new iPhone, expected to be unveiled in an upcoming product launch event, will instead embrace the USB-C connector, which has become the industry standard for many electronic devices. This move aligns Apple with the broader tech ecosystem and is a direct response to the European Union's push for a common charging solution. The EU has been advocating for a universal charger for several years, and this development is seen as a nod to their efforts.

The shift to USB-C is expected to have far-reaching implications. Users will be able to charge their iPhones with the same cables and adapters that power other gadgets like laptops, tablets, and Android smartphones. This move not only simplifies charging but also reduces electronic waste by decreasing the need for multiple proprietary cables and adapters.

While Apple has traditionally maintained that its proprietary Lightning connector offered superior performance and security, the shift to USB-C is seen as a compromise that acknowledges the global push for standardized charging solutions. Apple's decision is also expected to bring the company in line with environmental goals, as the reduction in electronic waste aligns with its recent sustainability initiatives.

Apple has declined to comment on the matter officially, but insiders suggest that the transition to USB-C will be carefully managed to minimize disruptions for existing iPhone users. This may include offering adapters or trade-in programs to ease the transition for customers with a substantial investment in Lightning accessories.

Industry experts believe that this move is likely to be well-received by consumers and regulators alike, positioning Apple as a company willing to adapt to global concerns and align with environmental goals. The shift to USB-C represents a significant milestone in the tech industry and is expected to set a precedent for other manufacturers to follow suit in adopting standardized charging solutions.

Journalist and professional writer since 2011 Graduate of the Workers University Department of Quality Control Member of the International Journalists Organization Media consultant He writes in the fields of entertainment, art, science, technology and politics (Chief Editor of the Middle East - Topics of Art and Society)
