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CSIRO Study Reveals Dominance of Junk Food and Alcohol in Australian Diets, with Only 40% Meeting Vegetable Intake Recommendations


A recent study conducted by the CSIRO has highlighted a concerning trend in the eating habits of Australians. According to the CSIRO Healthy Diet Score report, which gathered data from over 235,000 Australian adults over an eight-year period, only 35 percent of the population is consuming an adequate amount of vegetables. The report also pointed out that alcoholic beverages, fast food, and sweets dominate the diets of many Australians.

The research indicated that construction workers had the least healthy diets among various occupational groups, while retirees and individuals in the fitness industry tended to make healthier food choices. To assess diet quality, the report considered nine factors, including the quantity, quality, and variety of foods consumed, and it assigned a score out of 100, where a higher score represented a healthier diet. Unfortunately, the average diet score among those surveyed was a meager 55 out of 100.

Gilly Hendrie, one of the report's co-authors, emphasized the need for significant improvements in eating habits, stating that the scores underscore the urgency of addressing this issue and reducing the nation's waistline.

The report revealed that discretionary foods, such as alcohol, cakes, biscuits, chocolates, confectionery, and takeout meals, received the lowest scores in terms of diet quality, averaging only 20 out of 100. On the other hand, the consumption of vegetables earned a slightly better score of 58 out of 100. Alarmingly, only four out of 10 adults reported consuming three or more different vegetables during their main meal, a key indicator of a healthy diet.

Beverages received the highest score, with respondents achieving a score of 93 out of 100 by primarily choosing water over soft drinks and fruit juices. Construction workers and individuals in the beauty and fashion industries were found to have the highest consumption of junk food, averaging 45 servings per week.

The report indicated that women had slightly better diet quality than men and consumed more vegetables. Dr. Hendrie stressed the importance of collectively improving these scores to enhance overall well-being, combat obesity, and reduce the prevalence of lifestyle diseases like heart disease, Type 2 diabetes, and certain cancers.

Professor Lauren Ball, an expert in Community Health and Wellbeing at the University of Queensland, noted that the report's findings were not surprising. She suggested that purchasing fresh produce and avoiding processed foods were straightforward ways to enhance diets. Professor Ball recommended making vegetables and fruits a central part of daily meals and opting for options with higher vegetable and fruit content when making food choices. Processed foods from supermarket aisles were discouraged due to their higher sodium content.

Professor Ball also highlighted that eating healthily could be budget-friendly by selecting seasonal fruits and vegetables when they are in abundance, which often lowers their cost. She encouraged people to consider visiting farmers' markets and planning their meals in advance to save money while maintaining a nutritious diet.

In conclusion, Professor Ball emphasized the importance of prioritizing one's health, asserting that health and well-being were increasingly recognized as indicators of overall prosperity in contemporary society. Therefore, taking steps to support one's health should be a top priority for everyone.

journalist and blogger since 2011, member of the Journalists Syndicate, member of the Medical Editors Division,. Plastic surgery media consultant, graduate of the Faculty of Medicine, Tanta University He writes in the field of health, skin care and relaxation.
