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Microsoft Deploys Essential Security Patch for Outdated Windows Edge Browser


Microsoft has rolled out a fresh update for Edge browser users who are operating on Windows 7, 8, 8.1, and Windows Server 2012 R2. This update corresponds to Edge version 109, which is the most recent version designed to accommodate these older Windows editions. Notably, this update is primarily geared towards bolstering security measures and does not introduce any new features.

The core objective of this update is to rectify a vulnerability within the browser's underlying code. It's worth mentioning that the browser is constructed upon Google's Chromium project. This particular vulnerability had the potential to enable remote attackers to carry out exploits through malicious websites.

For users still relying on older Windows versions, it is strongly recommended to promptly install this Edge browser update to mitigate any potential security risks posed by this vulnerability.

Microsoft had previously communicated the discontinuation of support for the Edge browser on older Windows versions, predating Windows 10, at the commencement of this year.

As of now, Edge version 109 represents the final iteration of the browser accessible for Windows 7, 8, and related iterations. Nevertheless, Microsoft has committed to issuing occasional security updates to safeguard users for an extended duration, concluding this extended support on October 20th of the current year.

Subsequently, Firefox stands as the sole browser offering ongoing support for older Windows versions. Mozilla has outlined plans to continue releasing security updates for Firefox, particularly Firefox 115 with Extended Support Release (ESR), until September of 2024.

Based on the most recent data, older Windows versions currently constitute less than 5% of the global personal computer market.

Journalist since 2018. Graduated from Memorial University in the Department of Journalism I write in several fields of work - entertainment - sports - health - science
