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Sarah Lancashire Discusses the Impact of a Challenging Menopause on Her Memory

Actress Sarah Lancashire has revealed that she is going through a challenging menopause, which is affecting her memory. Lancashire, best known for her role as Sergeant Catherine Cawood in the BBC crime drama Happy Valley, shared her struggles with hot flushes during the recent National TV Awards (NTAs). She explained that she had to use two fans throughout the ceremony to stay cool. Lancashire, who is 58 years old, received the award for best drama performance at the NTAs and was honored with this year's special recognition award by Sir Ian McKellen.

Regarding her memory lapses, she recounted a recent shopping trip where she couldn't remember what she had gone out to buy. She described the sudden onset of "brain fog" and mentioned her difficulty recalling events from 30 years ago.

During the NTAs at the O2 Arena, Lancashire tried to discreetly manage her hot flashes by enlisting the help of a friend to spot the cameras and alert her if they were about to focus on her using the fans.

To alleviate her menopause symptoms, Lancashire shared that she's currently using hormone replacement therapy (HRT) in gel form but intends to explore using patches.

In addition to discussing her menopause experience, Lancashire opened up about her previous battle with depression, which she was diagnosed with at the age of 18. She spoke about the challenges she faced in her 20s and her fear of discussing her mental health due to concerns about how it might affect her career. She emphasized the importance of open conversations about mental health, especially for those in the public eye.

The article also provides information about menopause, explaining that it marks the end of a woman's reproductive years, typically occurring around the age of 51. The lead-up to menopause, known as peri-menopause, begins on average at age 46 and is characterized by irregular periods and various physical and emotional symptoms. Many women experience issues similar to those described by Lancashire during this phase, which can last for several years before menopause is officially reached.

journalist since 2011. She graduated from the Faculty of Mass Communication, University of Algiers. He writes about entertainment, arts, science and technology. He expresses his passion for writing and interest in every word that expresses social and human love.
