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Expanding Horizons for Content Creators: (Post) Post App Now Accessible on Android


(Post) Post, an alternative platform similar to the formerly known Twitter, has introduced its services on the Android operating system, offering new tools that simplify the process for content creators to share their newsletter content on the platform.

This move opens up additional earning opportunities for writers through (Post) Post's micro-payment system, where users pay a small fee to access specific items in their feed.

The company has already onboarded over 100 publishing partners, including renowned names like (Fortune), (The Independent), (Insider), (LA Times), (NBC News), (Politico), (Reuters), (MIT Technology Review), (USA Today), (Wired), (World Politics Review), (CNN), (Semafor), (Mashable), (The New Yorker), (Yahoo Finance), and many others.

However, the introduction of these new content creator tools aims to level the playing field in publishing, benefiting smaller publishers such as individual newsletter writers.

To utilize this feature, the app offers a one-time setup process that enables content creators to automatically syndicate their content through (Post) Post, similar to importing an RSS feed. As of the launch, 115 creators have been actively working with the (Post) Post app to test and utilize these new tools, with more expected to join as these features become available to the general public.

(Post) Post, founded by former Waze CEO Noam Bardin, employs a micro-payment system where users can purchase bundles of "points" to pay for individual news articles. For example, 300 points equate to $4.20 USD, and users can buy up to 10,000 points at a 9.5% discount, totaling $126.70 USD.

(Post) Post generates revenue by taking a small percentage of these sales, with Bardin mentioning that the average cost per thousand impressions for publishers on the (Post) Post platform is $25 for paid posts.

It's worth noting that the (Post) Post app is available on Apple's iOS platform as well as desktop devices. All three platforms include several new features, such as the ability to upload original videos, receive instant notifications, explore trending topics, access enhanced editing tools, facilitate sharing, and enable auto-saving.

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