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Victoria Beckham Discusses Alleged Affair as Toughest Period in Marriage in David Beckham Documentary


Victoria Beckham has opened up about her husband David Beckham's widely reported alleged affair, describing it as the most challenging period in their marriage. The couple has previously denied claims of infidelity during David's time at Real Madrid in 2003.

In a new Netflix documentary titled "Beckham," released recently, the former Spice Girl candidly discussed the difficult times they faced. She mentioned, "It was the hardest period for us because it felt like the world was against us," and added, "Here's the thing - we were against each other if I'm completely honest."

While the documentary doesn't delve into the specifics of the affair, Victoria expressed how it affected them emotionally. She acknowledged, "You know, up until Madrid, sometimes it felt like us against everybody else. But we were together, we were connected, we had each other. But when we were in Spain, it didn't really feel like we had each other either. And that's sad."

Victoria continued, "I can't even begin to tell you how hard it was and how it affected me." She also discussed the intense media scrutiny and attention they faced after relocating to Spain with their children.

She admitted, "It was a nightmare. From the minute we opened the press were there in cars and everywhere we went, we were followed. It was an absolute circus - it's really entertaining when the circus comes to town right? Unless you're in it."

When asked if she had resented her husband during that period, she honestly replied, "If I'm being totally honest, yes I did. It was probably, if I'm being honest, the most unhappy I have ever been in my entire life."

In the documentary, David Beckham, the former England and Manchester United midfielder, also talked about how the speculation surrounding his alleged infidelity impacted him and their marriage. He acknowledged that it was a challenging time and mentioned feeling like they were "drowning."

The documentary, while discussing various aspects of their lives, maintains a certain level of ambiguity regarding the alleged infidelity, as noted by reviewers. Despite this, it has received positive reviews for its candid portrayal of David Beckham's life, with some praising it as a riveting and heartfelt exploration of his experiences.

The Beckhams, who got married in 1999 and have four children, attended the London premiere of the series together.

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