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Egyptian Ministry of Education Implements Preventive Measures to Address Chickenpox Outbreak in Schools


Responding proactively to the recent increase in Chickenpox cases among students across various Egyptian provinces, the Ministry of Education and Technical Education has issued guidelines to educational directorates for the implementation of preventive measures. Shady Zalat, the ministry’s spokesperson, emphasized that these measures are standard precautions routinely taken with the onset of the winter season, which typically witnesses a surge in infectious diseases such as chickenpox.

Zalat explained that these steps are part of the standard protocol to be followed in the event of an outbreak in any school. The ministry is working closely with the Ministry of Health and Population to actively monitor and address any health issues among students.

Sayed Abdel Aziz, Deputy Minister in the New Valley Governorate, highlighted their collaborative efforts with the Ministry of Health. These efforts include school sanitization, regular health checks for students to detect new cases, and ensuring that infected students stay home to prevent further transmission.

Aziz also advised parents to prioritize preventive measures over treatment, urging them to avoid crowded places and promptly seek medical attention if symptoms manifest. In case of illness, parents should submit a written request, along with medical proof, to the school to request exam postponement.

Amjad El-Haddad, Head of Allergy and Immunity at the Serum and Vaccine Authority in Cairo, described chickenpox as a contagious virus causing itchy blisters and symptoms like fever and fatigue. Belonging to the herpes virus family, he emphasized the need for extra caution among people with weakened immune systems, especially the elderly.

El-Haddad provided a prescription for prevention, emphasizing the importance of vaccination for both children and adults. Other measures include isolating infected individuals, seeking regular medical advice, maintaining proper nutrition and warm fluids during the virus spread, children avoiding close contact and sharing personal items at school, and using fever reducers, moisturizing creams, and ointments for those infected. Pregnant women were cautioned against getting the vaccine and advised to avoid contact with infected individuals.

Journalist and professional writer since 2011 Graduate of the Workers University Department of Quality Control Member of the International Journalists Organization Media consultant He writes in the fields of entertainment, art, science, technology and politics (Chief Editor of the Middle East - Topics of Art and Society)
