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The Significance of Tranquility in Existence


Calmness is a mental state characterized by the absence of agitation, excitement, and turmoil. While relaxation often brings about calmness for most people, it can also be achieved through heightened awareness and mindfulness. Many individuals discover that focusing their thoughts on external or internal aspects, such as breathing, can induce a sense of tranquility. The ability to attain and nurture calmness can be cultivated through practice.

In today's turbulent times, people are increasingly eager to attain psychological calm, whether at work or at home, in order to savor the beauty of life and maintain good health.

Psychological calmness refers to a state of relaxation and mental clarity. It offers several benefits, including an elevated serotonin hormone level that enhances mood, the liberation of the mind leading to innovation and creativity, emotional maturity that improves social interactions, and enhanced cognitive capabilities, including memory.

Achieving psychological calm involves techniques like closing one's eyes to confront negative emotions, engaging in relaxation exercises like yoga, finding solace in prayer and contemplating the greatness of a higher power, and surrounding oneself with positive individuals who exude psychological tranquility.

Several factors can hinder a person from experiencing psychological calm:

  1. Family Problems: Persistent family issues can negatively impact one's mental well-being, depriving them of the pleasure of psychological calm.
  2. Difficult Economic Conditions: Economic hardships can limit one's ability to find happiness and entertainment, as they are preoccupied with securing basic necessities.
  3. Health Issues: Suffering from debilitating diseases, especially those without a cure, can significantly disrupt psychological peace.
  4. Challenging Work Conditions: Arduous work environments and lack of recognition can erode a person's psychological calm.
  5. Inactivity and Laziness: A sedentary lifestyle can harm one's psychological health, as it reduces physical activity and hampers the production of revitalizing hormones.

A psychologically calm individual demonstrates restraint in expressing annoyance, listens attentively without exaggerated reactions, manages impatience and anger, maintains balance and moderation in interactions, and communicates thoughtfully and succinctly.

Here are some phrases related to calmness:

  • Talent flourishes through calmness and introspection, while character matures through life's challenges.
  • A successful person knows when to listen before others speak and when to speak clearly and concisely.
  • Moments of solitude and reflection provide calmness, focus, and the strength to persevere.
  • Facing fear with calmness involves imagining the worst-case scenario and convincing oneself that life will go on.
  • Silent individuals find solace in writing, even if it goes unseen, for writing is their voice.
  • In the quiet of the night, when the world is still, emotions surface, and one's mind wanders through memories, pondering distant thoughts beneath the starry sky.
  • Explicit calmness may not be aesthetically pleasing to all, but it offers comfort to the soul, especially to the weary, soothing like a lullaby.
  • Effective communication requires finesse in both speaking and listening.

journalist and blogger since 2011, member of the Journalists Syndicate, member of the Medical Editors Division,. Plastic surgery media consultant, graduate of the Faculty of Medicine, Tanta University He writes in the field of health, skin care and relaxation.
