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Understanding the Dangers of Hydrogenated Oils and How to Steer Clear


Many often hear advice stressing the importance of steering clear of hydrogenated oils, yet only a few truly comprehend what these oils entail and why they pose risks. Let's delve into this topic and outline simple methods for avoidance.

What Are Hydrogenated Oils?

Hydrogenation of oils involves the conversion of liquid fats found in plants and various foods into solid fats through the addition of hydrogen. During this process, oils are transformed into unsaturated fats. Health organizations worldwide caution against excessive consumption of such fats.

Why Do Companies Opt for Hydrogenated Oil Production?

Companies often choose to produce and hydrogenate oils for several reasons, primarily resulting in increased profits:

  • Prolonging the shelf life of products, as hydrogenation acts as a preservative.

  • Enhancing the texture of foods.

  • Generating financial gains through increased sales and reduced losses.

What Are the Detrimental Effects of Hydrogenated Oils?

Excessive consumption of unsaturated hydrogenated oils can have severe long-term effects on human health, including:

  • Obesity.

  • Elevated harmful cholesterol levels.

  • Atherosclerosis and heart disease.

  • Digestive issues.

  • Susceptibility to degenerative diseases.

Tips and Strategies for Avoiding Hydrogenated Oils

To eliminate hydrogenated oils from your diet, follow these guidelines:

1. Familiarize Yourself with Hydrogenated Oil-Containing Foods

Most hydrogenated oils are present in foods rich in saturated fats, including:

  • Ghee and margarine.

  • Processed vegetables.

  • Canned foods.

  • Baked goods and starchy products.

  • Prepackaged pastries.

  • Fried foods.

  • Formula milk or coffee creamer.

2. Scrutinize Food Labels

Since hydrogenated oils contain harmful fats, it's vital to steer clear of products containing them. However, the phrase "free of saturated fats" or "free of hydrogenated oils" on packaging doesn't guarantee their complete absence. Manufacturers can label their products as "free of hydrogenated oils" if they contain 0-0.5 grams of fat per serving, so carefully read package instructions and don't solely rely on prominent marketing claims.

3. Opt for Healthy Cooking Oils

While margarine and shortening may seem convenient for storage and use, they are often hydrogenated and contribute to unhealthy fat buildup. Instead, choose healthier vegetable oils such as olive oil or avocado oil. Be cautious when frying with them, as they are sensitive to high temperatures. A 2011 study demonstrated the benefits of safflower oil in improving blood glucose and lipid levels and reducing inflammation, while olive oil and avocado oil promote heart health.

4. Reduce Consumption of Canned Foods

As mentioned earlier, hydrogenation is involved in the manufacturing and preservation of many canned foods. It is advisable to refrain from relying on pre-cooked store-bought meals and instead prepare your own food, storing it in your refrigerator for freshness.

5. Carry Healthy Snacks

Hydrogenated oils are commonly used in the preparation of quick snacks. Therefore, it's essential to keep nutritious alternatives on hand to curb hunger and regulate your cravings without the health risks associated with hydrogenated oils. Consider carrying:

  • Low-salt nuts.

  • Carrots.

  • Apples.

  • Bananas.

  • Natural yogurt or milk.

Journalist since 2018. Graduated from Memorial University in the Department of Journalism I write in several fields of work - entertainment - sports - health - science
